Choose from our comprehensive range of equal tee, buttweld and threaded tee pipe fittings from brands like John Guest, Comer, Sanha, Crane and Airnet in aluminium, copper, technopolymer, steel and stainless steel.
Product code: MI131-2
Technical sheet: 10771
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Product code: MI131-2N
Technical sheet: 10771
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Product code: MI131-34
Technical sheet: 10771
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Product code: MI131-34N
Technical sheet: 10771
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Product code: PM0212E
Technical sheet: 20629
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Product code: PM0215E
Technical sheet: 20629
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Product code: PM0218E
Technical sheet: 20629
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Product code: PM0222E
Technical sheet: 20629
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Product code: PM03018AE
Technical sheet: 20629
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Product code: PM3022AE
Technical sheet: 20629
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